McBain- Learn the Basic of Photography
Learn the Basics of Photography this Thursday! Intro to PhotographyLearn the basics of photography from the comfort of your home in this fun, comprehensive course with photographer and educator Angie Patterson. Over four weeks, you will discover how to use the primary modes of your camera, get an introduction to lighting, exposure, and depth-of-field and…
Annual Gallery Updated!
Now that the September winning photos have been uploaded, we have started our new annual gallery. All winning photos are placed there and the gallery will “grow” during the season as we go through our submission nights. There are sub-galleries too: Latest Winners and Theme-Only Winners
INHALE By Shane Turgeon
Check out a new film by Shane Turgeon!! Take a look and support one of our local photographers!! Amazing work!
2024 Adobe Photoshop: The A to Z Bootcamp Ben Willmore
75 Years McBain Camera
When Ross McBain opened shop in 1949, he had a simple vision for a camera store with exceptional service. From that core tenant grew a company that became an iconic fixture in Edmonton’s downtown, a place photographers and creatives could count on to be best in the business. Three-quarters of a century later, McBain has…